Validated: Our Faith Authenticated
Have you ever doubted your faith or felt insecure about your walk with Christ? In this week’s message, we dive into the book of 1 John to uncover what it means to have our faith validated and authenticated. Just like a parking validation proves your claim at an establishment, our faith is proven by the reality of Jesus—His life, death, and resurrection.
Have you ever experienced the simple yet satisfying benefit of parking validation? Picture this: you’ve parked your car in an expensive area, and instead of paying an exorbitant fee, your parking gets validated just because you supported a nearby establishment. It’s a perk that comes with proof—presenting the ticket freely given to you when you entered. Without it, no amount of claiming your allegiance to the establishment will work. You need proof.
In many ways, our faith works similarly. To truly experience the fullness of joy, fellowship, and assurance in Christ, our faith must be authenticated. In this new sermon series from 1 John, Validated: Our Faith Authenticated, we explore what it means to live with confidence in our faith and how Jesus is the ultimate validation of our salvation.
Three Truths to Validate Our Faith
1️⃣ Jesus is Real and Historical (1 John 1:1-2)
John begins his letter with a bold statement:
“What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have observed and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life—that life was revealed, and we have seen it and we testify and declare to you the eternal life that was with the Father and was revealed to us.”
John isn’t speaking from hearsay or secondhand accounts. He emphasizes that he personally heard, saw, and touched Jesus. This testimony reminds us that Jesus is no myth or symbolic figure. He is the eternal God who stepped into history, lived among us, died for our sins, and rose again.
Because of this truth, our faith is anchored in reality. When doubts creep in—whether from internal insecurities or external pressures—we can return to this foundation. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection authenticate our faith and give us a confident hope.
2️⃣ Fellowship Through Christ (1 John 1:3)
John continues, saying:
“What we have seen and heard we also declare to you, so that you may also have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.”
True faith leads to fellowship—not just with God, but with one another. When we embrace Jesus as the real, risen Savior, we are invited into a new family of believers. Through Christ, we share a deep bond with God and with others who share our faith.
Fellowship with God brings us closer to Him through prayer, worship, and obedience. Fellowship with others strengthens our faith, provides accountability, and offers encouragement during challenging times. This connection isn’t based on surface-level relationships—it is rooted in a shared belief in the real Jesus.
3️⃣ Authenticated Joy (1 John 1:4)
John concludes this introductory section by declaring:
“We are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.”
The joy John speaks of is not fleeting happiness, but a deep and lasting sense of fulfillment that comes from being secure in Christ. When our faith is unvalidated—when we doubt or question our relationship with God—we feel insecure and incomplete. But when our faith is authenticated by the truth of Jesus, we experience full and abiding joy.
This joy doesn’t depend on our circumstances. It comes from knowing that we are loved, forgiven, and secure in Christ. It empowers us to face challenges with confidence, love others sacrificially, and live with purpose.
How to Live Out a Validated Faith
So, how do we share in the validating hope that John describes? Here are three practical steps:
Rest in the Reality of Jesus (Believe): When doubts arise, return to the foundation of your faith. Jesus is real. His life, death, and resurrection are historical facts that authenticate your hope.
2. Embrace Fellowship (Connect): Don’t isolate yourself. Engage in fellowship with God through prayer and worship, and connect with other believers. The body of Christ is your family, and together, we strengthen each other’s faith.
3. Walk in Joy (Rejoice): Celebrate the assurance that comes from being validated by God. Choose joy rooted in the eternal reality of Jesus’ love and salvation.
Conclusion: Confidence in Christ
When you think of validation, don’t just think of a parking ticket. Think of the incredible validation we have in Christ. Our faith is authenticated not by our works, but by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Because He is real, we can live with confidence, fellowship, and joy.
If you’re feeling insecure or doubting your faith, let this message remind you of the solid foundation you have in Jesus. He is the Word made flesh, the Savior who defeated sin and death, and the reason we can walk confidently in our faith every day.
Watch the Full Sermon
Want to dive deeper into this powerful message? Watch the full sermon, Validated: Our Faith Authenticated, now on YouTube or right here on our website!
Scripture Reference: 1 John 1:1-4
Practical Steps: Believe. Connect. Rejoice.